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Coming Events

  • Apr 22

    2024 Ermine Cowles Case Memorial Lecture

    Pincelli Hull of Yale University will speak on using fossils to understand biodiversity dynamics on an ever-changing planet; 8-10 p.m.; Rackham Amphitheatre

  • Apr 23

    A view from Kyiv

    Sixth Annual Arthur Vandenberg Lecture, with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink; 4-6 p.m.; Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium

  • Apr 24

    Shared Memories

    Second annual community commemoration of the anniversary of the 1915 Armenian Genocide; 3-5 p.m.; Weiser Hall, Room 1010

More Events at Happening@Michigan


A photo of Irina Bondarenko
“I was keen on exploring this idea of beauty emerging despite injury or destruction.”

— Irina Bondarenko, a statistician lead for the biostatistics department in the School of Public Health who grew up in Ukraine and has been inspired to create ceramic artwork honoring her homeland

Read more about Irina Bondarenko

It Happened at Michigan

Frederick Stearns

The ‘rare and curious’ Stearns Collection

Frederick Stearns had never purchased a musical instrument, but a small guitar caught his eye. It was called a quirten and dated to 1807. He acquired instruments for the next 17 years, focusing on the “rare and curious.” And then he donated his vast collection to the University of Michigan.

Read the full feature

Michigan in the news

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    • Versha Pleasant

    Doctors would be ill-prepared to assess and treat patients of all racial and gender identities if a U.S. House bill banning DEI in medical schools passes, says Versha Pleasant, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology. “We are doing our medical students an incredible disservice by eliminating DEI in the curriculum. Our future health care workforce will not have adequate tools to combat racism and bias in medicine.”

    • Francis Pagani

    If an FDA recall of a heart device linked to hundreds of injuries and at least 14 deaths leads to permanent removal from the market, end-stage heart failure patients could have no options, said Francis Pagani, professor of cardiac surgery: “It would be devastating to the patients. … It’s not a perfect option — no pump ever is — but this is as good as it’s ever been.”

    CBS News
    • Andy Hoffman

    “The business school curriculum needs a major reset,” wrote Andy Hoffman, professor of sustainable enterprise. “Revising business school programs to reflect today’s realities — notably, climate change and inequality — requires us to do more than add a few electives. We must teach students to become stewards of the market in order to correct what ails it.”

    Poets & Quants